Early Summer

Happiness is being cool and dry - that goes for our products as well as ourselves.
It was a hard decision to take a leave from the Coastal Growers’ Market this year. It would have been our 14th season and we’d already missed last summer due to my back injury (which is much better btw) and Covid. With Joe consulting for Blount Boats this summer, our schedule was too tight, and the physical effort and exhaustion that comes with the market would have made our work/life a struggle.
We’re really happy to have the studio open on Saturdays now, especially with the bad weather lately. There’s plenty of room for people to take their time, shop our full inventory and try on t-shirts. Plus, everything is clean and dry. No soggy tees! We’re not battling the wind or weather and bugs, tents, tubs or trailers. We also have tissue paper, if you need a quick gift bag. I could get used to this!